Wednesday, November 30, 2011

25 weeks!

15 weeks to's the final countdown (almost).

I can't really top yesterday's post - so I won't try.

I was reading the weekly "What to Expect When You're Expecting" segment for this week and it says that my baby can see! It then encourages parents to mess with their child by shining a flashlight into your uterus and your baby will kick. I can't figure out if I think that's an awesome idea or an awful one. I also can't figure out if I want Adin to see what's really surrounding him - maybe that will be the first thing I do to scar him for life.

I was talking with a woman at work a bit over a week ago and she was asking if he's kicking and rolling. At that point I didn't really know the difference...I do now! Adin has been rolling up a storm the last few days. He's given up on kicking completely and is just rolling around. My illogical anxious self is wondering if he'll wrap the umbilical cord around his neck. Then my logical calm self steps in and reminds me that with parents as smart as us we wouldn't have a child who does something that dumb. I'll have to re-read this sentence the first time Adin pees in my face or eats dog food.

I have been trying to figure out exactly when I can call myself "6 months along". I know some people start saying it around 24 weeks (because 24 divided by 4 = 6). However, a pregnancy is really 10 months (because 40 divided by 4 = 10) I kind of want to wait until I'm 12 weeks from my due date to say I'm 6 months. Is that weird?! And P.S. I wish I could send this to my high school math teacher who said, in front of the whole class, that I wouldn't get to college because I was so bad at math. Well, lady, not only did I make it through college (and fail my math entrance exam thanks to your bad teaching), but I went to graduate school and post-graduate school as well. So there! (huge tongue out!) For the record, her reasoning for my bad grades that she gave my parents was that I snacked too much in class.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

24 Weeks, 6 Days

The joys of being pregnant. I waddle. I grunt when I lift off from a seated position. Best of all, I pass wind in meetings at work. Yep. Audible but not smelly (thank goodness). It took me just a moment to register what had happened and then I politely said "Excuse me. Pregnancy!" and the meeting continued on. I immediately confessed my transgression to Jesse when I got in the car to go home. He could do nothing but laugh and shake his head - and then blame the cabbage soup that I made this weekend that I've had for dinner and lunch the last two days.

I also single-handedly finished a blueberry pie since Saturday. I had a craving and so I fulfilled it. This evening I really wanted Olive Garden bread sticks (thanks, Kristin) but wasn't able to get any of those - so I had a great salad complete with avacado with a dressing that I made myself from a recipe passed on by a co-worker (thanks, Anna).

As of tomorrow, I will have only 15 weeks left. Yep. And, shortly after the New Year (January 3rd) I will be in the single digits for weeks left.

Monday, November 28, 2011

24 weeks 5 days

Thanksgiving came and went. It was a nice reprieve from work and nice to relax.

Jesse and I got the majority of our Christmas shopping done :) It's nice to have that responsibility off of our shoulders when it's not even December. Speaking of it not being December, what is with this weather?! It is SO warm out (65 degrees) and it's the end of November. This is either a good sign, or a bad sign and I'm placing my bets on bad. I remember last year having snow piles in parking lots in June. I bet that'll happen again. There's all this talk of global warming. Whether it's true or not my theory is that seasons are shifting. Instead of winter (snow) being November through early March I think it's more December through April or even May...but I'm not super smart nor up on science and global issues so don't take my opinion to the bank.

My newest pet peeve is people who pronounce Aaron and Erin differently and think that when I say my own name it is the Aaron version. Clearly I'm a female and the female version of the spelling is Erin. Grr. I encountered the second instance of this within two days this evening at CVS. I had to pick up an antibiotic and I gave my name to the clerk. Apparently when he looked on the computer for my prescription he search Aaron and had to come back to ask how it was spelled. When I spelled it he then corrected ME on the pronunciation.

In other news - I have cellulitis. Yep. Jesse and I keep coming up with other names to call it like Clap of the Calf and Syph Shin. I almost didn't go to the doctor and had myself convinced that the ever growing spot on my leg was nothing until I went to the nurse at my school today. She took one look and said I should call my doctor. Now I have to take antibiotics 4 times a day for a week. Joy.

In bigger news! Our crib was purchased by the in laws and put together this weekend :) it's a nice sight in the ever changing nursery.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

24 Weeks!!!

I start the last day of each work week with a nice trip to a local coffee shop and I get a wheat bagel with egg and cheese and - if they have it - a large hot apple cider. Loving this day already! It began with music in the bathroom during my shower (Snoop Dogg and Gin Blossoms, yeah, we're eclectic). I also packed up the treats that I cooked up last night for my ladies and gave Jake a goodbye hug and kiss. Jesse promised a fire this afternoon and I'm hitting up a sale at Kohl's on the way home to get some more Christmas shopping done :) 

This morning as I was sitting at said coffee shop an older man sat behind me. I had headphones on - which to me is the international signal for "I'm not available". I then hear him say "So how many friends do you have on facebook?" I was one of one people sitting at the coffee shop so clearly I knew who he was talking to, so I politely replied "Too many!" He then asked if you can get rid of friends so I showed him how. Then he asked about getting out of pages he had "liked" so I explained to him how to do that. Then I put my headphones back on and continued my searching. 
I had exhausted facebook so I moved on to catching up on my blogs. I was reading The Vegetable Life by my cousin's wife. After a few minutes he chuckled and then said "A Vegetable Life! That's easy! Get ripe, get picked, get eaten!" Personally, I think he missed the point of the blog...

After work I stopped by said coffee shop again to pick up some gift cards for Jesse. The wait was ridiculous and I was "that person" who cut in line. There was a high school girl in line ahead of me who was dressed very inappropriately. She stepped out of line to go talk to her friends and one of the girls behind the counter was ready to take an order - so I gave them mine! Then she came back and the guy behind me made sure to mention, over and over again, how it's the right thing to let her order first because she had been there longer. I thought about popping the pregnancy stance and making him feel bad for trying to make a pregnant lady feel guilt for not wanting to stand and wait any longer. 

Next stop was Kohl's. Ok, it was really McDonald's for some nuggets and fries, but then it was Kohl's. I found a pair of maternity jeans with a clearance sticker for $17.86! I looked through the entire two racks of them and there wasn't another single pair of jeans on clearance - but the sticker was there. I figured maybe someone had grabbed it from the clearance rack that I was too lazy to go look for and had put them back on the regular price rack in exchange for a different pair.  I had a 15% off coupon and some Kohl's cash to add to my transaction. I picked up some Christmas gifts for the kids on our list and headed to the register. The jeans rang up for much more than $17.86, but of course I politely mentioned to the cashier what the sticker price was. So she corrected it...I ended up saving over $30 on them! And by the way, why are maternity jeans so darn expensive?! It's not like they come with buttons or zippers...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

23 weeks 6 days

I am in a pie baking mood :)
It is tradition in the Smith/Miller/Devine family (whichever name you want to attach this to) to make an amazing, in my humble opinion, home made chocolate cream pie. I made the first batch on Friday with my friend Jessica. I left one with her family and took one home myself. Jesse and I devoured it within a few days...he had 2 pieces, I had 4. Sometimes I disgust myself. 
Then, I got inspired to make a little treat for some co-workers this holiday season. So I made some more pies this evening. 
Now, before you start thinking I'm AMAZING, check out this next picture. 
I added the pencil to put these to scale for you. 
They are mini pies!!! I discovered these a year or two ago. They are the perfect size for one person to thoroughly enjoy and I can turn 1 pie into 12 mini pies. I got saucy with my assistant principal this afternoon so I decided to smooth it over by bragging about and then promising a piece of my wonderful chocolate pie. At that point I was planning on making 1 big one and giving out slices. I quickly did some math (and by quickly I mean over the course of 2 days) and realized that 6-8 slices wouldn't cut it - hence the MINI ones!
I did, however, double the batch and make a large one for Jesse and I - which we will begin to enjoy this evening. I just have to keep myself from enjoying it for breakfast tomorrow morning. 
I also was inspired to do more than throw some ravioli's in some boiling water and I put together a salad! I added my new obsession, turkey bacon, on top to provide us with some protein. It made a beautiful plate! 
Tomorrow is a half day of work for us, which for me will begin with a morning at the local coffee shop with some ladies from work. I love spending the morning at the coffee shop because I get to see some of Jesse's coworkers and my own as I sit there with my cocoa and egg and cheese sandwich and play on my computer. Usually I work, tomorrow I will play :) 
I can't wait for turkey day!!! I actually enjoyed Christmas music in the store this evening! 

Monday, November 21, 2011

23 weeks 5 days

This picture is for my mom to suffice her need to see my belly. There it is. All 23 centimeters of it. 

It's been a few days since I've posted. Thursday morning my grandfather died. I wasn't very close to him - but it was sad all the same. 

I couldn't sleep Thursday night and ended up giving up at 3:30 AM. I got up and started doing laundry. I put a load of towels in the wash and when they were done I went to change them to the dryer. They were sopping wet - so I figured the load was off balance and I ran it again. Again, they were sopping wet. So I took the towels out, wrung them out and tried to put them in the dryer. They were too heavy for the dryer to run even after I gave the drum a push start. So I gave up and put a load of whites in the wash. As the water was filling up I started hanging the towels on the drying rack. I soon realized why the towels were sopping wet when a fun little noise began coming out of the washing machine - the agitator had decided to stop agitating but the motor was still spinning wildly. Our washing machine was broke. So, by 4:45 AM I was online researching washers and dryers yet again. Fortunately - I found what I think was a really  good deal! We got set of whirlpool washer and dryer, next day delivery, with all the needed hoses, vents, cords, taxes, etc. for a mere $720! We saved $300 for purchasing it as a set and 10% because we had a coupon. Not too shabby! The deal we were looking at last weekend would have been just below $1000 for a set of Kenmore's. 

Saturday the washer and dryer was delivered and I began a laundry binge. I did about 6 loads of laundry Saturday and another 3 on Sunday - I may have been a bit behind! 

Sunday I went to a baby shower for a coworker and was the driver to get her there. It was under the ruse of going to see Breaking Dawn and I was the driver and had to pick up the hostess of the party. And of course, to get her in the house, we had to go see a picture that the hostess' daughter had made for us. Of course, after the shower, we went to see Breaking Dawn and now I'm contemplating re-reading the entire series again before Adin arrives. First, I have to lend Anna the first book and see if she gets hooked. 

The below picture is my weekend breakfast. An egg and cheese on a mini-bagel with three slices of turkey bacon on the side. Turkey bacon is my new obsession! If you get the thin sliced kind it has the taste and texture of real bacon - but take a look at the nutrition facts! What a difference!!! I fried up the whole package so I can just microwave a few pieces up and have a mid week snack :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

23 Weeks

I can't believe I forgot to mention this...but in the wee hours of the morning yesterday I walked into a wall. Yep, that's right. But not just a wall, the corner of two walls. I have gotten up to pee so many times in the middle of the night that I've almost trained myself to not wake up fully so it's easier to go back to bed. So I was basically zombie walking leading with my face and had my eyes closed and slammed my cheek onto the corner of two walls. In my defense even if I'd had my eyes open it wouldn't have made a difference. Partly because it was pitch black in our bedroom but mostly because I'm blind as a bat. However, I should have had my hands out to feel my way along, at least this is what Jesse told me when i filled him in the next morning. The next morning my cheek was red, a bit swollen, and had a red line where the corner met my face. Luckily, I don't bruise easily on my face. The only bruise I can even remember getting on my face was when I took a frisbee to the mouth at a Westfield party while playing Polish. I may never play that game again.

I have been attempting to be a good pregnant lady and drink plenty of water - but to be quite honest I'm not a fan of the liquid. So I had bought some of the squirtable water flavor things and I have added that to my Klean Kanteen. It still takes me two to three work days to make it through one. I had bought a nalgene with a straw last spring that I loved drinking out of - and would even drink water, lots of it! But I dropped it so many times that the top of it chipped away so much that now if it tips water will just flow out. So that water bottle is retired. Jesse has had the same water bottle for about 5 years, so he finally wanted to get a new one. Last night, after dinner, we went to Sports Authority and each got a new water bottle. I have been tentative for about a year to try the camelback straws that you need to bite to suck. That concept just didn't make sense to me. But, I found a 32 oz camelback with the bite and suck straw for only $15.99 (the 24 oz was $14.99 and I felt the extra dollar was well worth the additional 8 oz). I used it today and by 1:00 I had drank the whole thing. I snuck into my assistant principal's office and refilled it in the elusive water bubbler and by the time I was heading home at 3:30 I had finished that! So, I officially drank 64 oz of water today! I was pretty proud of myself until I saw my cousin Ashley drank 16 8 oz glasses of water in one day...pretty sure she doubled my intake. How she doesn't spend her entire day peeing I'll never know!

I did some music time for Adin last night and these are two of the songs that he bounced around to:
You Won't See Me by the Beatles
Stockholm Syndrome by Muse

And as previously mentioned - here are the pictures from dinner last night. It was fairly tasty - a little bland. In hindsight I should have added some spices to the mix. Next time...

22 weeks, 6 days

Once a month I have to stay an hour later at work for a staff meeting. Today they served popcorn and water which hit the spot perfectly. I was the only one who went up for seconds during the meeting and then thirds at the end of the meeting. I was willing to withstand criticism for being the only one to get an extra helping during the meeting.

On my drive home I called Jesse to ask him to put the chicken I had pulled out last night and put in the fridge into some warm water to finish defrosting. He informed me that he was in line at McDonald's picking me up a treat! What an amazing husband! I got to come home to a medium fry :)

Very rarely do I want to "cook" when I get home from work. A few days ago I told Jesse I didn't want to cook dinner and his response was "What are you going to do when you're a mom?" to which I replied "What are you going to do when you're a dad?" and then a series of comments and questions followed where I made the argument that he has as much responsibility to cook as I do and just because I'm a "mom" doesn't mean that I have a specific set of responsibilities. He probably regretted his choice of words at that moment. I'm going to blame the pregnancy hormones for that tirade.

Anyways, my point is that today I was inspired to actually cook a meal. I was feeling nostalgic for the days when Jesse and I were in our crappy apartment and would buy a meal in a box that you add liquids and chicken, cover, and bake and viola! a lovely pasta and meat dinner...with much sodium and preservatives, etc. So, I made my own version. I put in a pyrex container a can of Cream of Mushroom condensed soup, a can of stewed tomatoes, half a bag of frozen corn, and some water. Totally didn't measure anything or put much thought into it. Then I added enough pasta to cover the bottom and laid three breasts of chicken on top. It's been about 15 we will see how it comes out (if I remember, I'll take some pictures and add them to this post).

Now I'm watching Gossip Girl and debating getting off the couch and getting a cookie...decisions, decisions, decisions....

Monday, November 14, 2011

22 weeks, 5 days

Yesterday was the 3 week mark and time to do another tracing. I didn't grow very much, but continued to round out. 
I had an appointment today and was sorely disappointed to find out that it wasn't to get an ultrasound. However, it was the quickest appointment yet - so I can't complain. We got to hear the heartbeat and got my first belly measurement...I am 23 centimeters. My doctor explained that they are looking for 1 centimeter per week along that I am - so I'm pretty much right on track! Our next appointment is in 4 weeks and that one we will get an ultrasound as I'm borderline "high risk" - my first ultrasound showed a heart shaped sac that was on the small size. This can lead to the baby being in a breeched position and me needed a C-section. My other ultrasounds have looked good. If they didn't then I would have had a specialist do the anatomy scan at 18 weeks...however my doctor explained that she will make the case to my insurance for an ultrasound at 27 weeks to continue to monitor this. Honestly, I won't argue!
I posted the below picture because yesterday I stopped by the outlets on my way home from Laura's to check out the Vera Bradley store. Not only was it busy, but it had a great sale! I wanted to get a more mommy-friendly bag in preparation for this next stage of my life. Last fall when Jay and Beth were visiting we went to this outlet with them and Beth found an amazing bag that she was excited to use because of the placement and size of pockets and their use for holding pacifiers, etc. Luckily, over a year later, I found the same style bag in my favorite pattern! I thought about getting a new pattern - but this one is just so perfect in terms of color and design...I LOVE the birds :) Plus, with the sale it was under $30! I thought I would have to spend $60 to get a bag the right size - but NOPE! And for the record (for those of you reading this and not understanding why someone would spend $60 on a bag...) I don't have many pairs of shoes, and I only buy new clothes when something is worn to shreds (literally in some cases). I also only get my hair cut twice a year - so I'm a fairly low maintenance gal. This is my one thing. I only get it once a year - if THAT. The last bag I bought was at the beginning of last school year, I believe before October, so it's been over a year. I feel I deserve this little nugget of goodness every once in a while. 

Additionally, for the record, I snapped this picture out of boredom because I ended up being stuck in about 40 minutes worth of traffic attempting to leave the outlets. Serves me right for parking in the farthest lot from the exit just to get a coupon book and then trying to leave at closing time. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

22 weeks 4 days

It was Thursday. I knew that all day. That is, until I got in the car with Jesse to head home. Then it was Friday. We stopped at McDonald's and I got my 4 nugs and small fries and Jesse got two grilled chicken snack wraps with no sauce. I snuggled on the couch, ate my food, then got some celery and cream cheese for an additional snack... At 5:11 I realized I needed to be at a 5:00 appointment because it was Thursday. I hustled, got there, and then apologized profusely to my doctor.
Friday - I did some home improvement projects! First, I taped up the phrases and made sure that they were level. Then I peeled off the backing and pressed the phrase to the wall and very slowly removed the top sheet. Last, viola! it's done. 
Plus the company gave us a free phrase for spending over $35!

We also did some shopping at Pier 1 and got some festive place mats for the dining room table and some flowers for our standing container in the office. We also picked up a few gifts along the way :) Our in-laws came over to look in amazement at my growing belly and have some tasty pizza and Anna's homemade dressing recipe. For the first time in a while I had some pretty yucky back pains so I made it through dinner and then changed into PJ's and propped myself up on the couch. 

Saturday we went in to Boston and walked around Newbury street, got Pink Berry, checked out Quincy Market, and meandered through the common. We found GREAT parking for only $11 which was pretty amazing! We got to see the marching of Occupy Boston. On the way home we stopped at Kohls to pick up a few things and were able to take two people off of our Christmas shopping list and start making purchases for another three people. Not too shabby. For dinner we went to the 99 where I had to send back my steak because it was undercooked and felt the need to explain by saying "I'm sorry, I'm pregnant, I can't eat it when it's still that red and juicy". One of these days I'm going to actually see the lugey that hocked onto my meal after I've sent it back. 

This morning Jesse found an advertisement for Sears which states that appliances are 45% off! So I believe we will be ordering our new washer and dryer today...the good news is that we can get a better model than I had originally thought we could! A Kenmore 3.6 cubic feet washing and 7.0 cubic feet dryer. 

Next stop - Laura's house for a jewelry party. I may be able to find some gifts there - but if not I may stop at the Vera Bradley outlet and pick myself up a new bag...I haven't gotten a new one in well over and year and there's just so many pretty patterns! Plus, I can get a slightly bigger one in anticipation of all the extra items I will have to carry around as a super mom!

Tonight - another tracing of the bump to be posted tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

22 weeks

One of my high school friends actually works in the same town as I do - which is a weird coincidence with the small size of my high school and the fact that it is in another state...but I digress. Every once in a while we remember that we work a few hundred feet from each other and attempt to make plans to spend time with each other. Well, today we did! It was supposed to be tomorrow, but I have a 5:00 appointment, so I would have had to cut our date short. So we made plans for today!

I got to see her amazingly cute cottage and drink some amazing (I think caffeine free) chai from Trader Joe's (Susan, you should see if Pots can pick some up for me!) and catch up on the last five months. I got to relive my Europe trip and all the details I could still recall and of course chat baby. I also got to hear about her amazing plans to drop everything for a year and live in New Zealand. Of course I am so excited for the arrival of Adin, however I admire this girl's bravery and plans. Jesse and I sometimes talk about taking a year to live and work in another country and maybe someday we will with our child(ren) and that'll be an amazing experience for all. Anywho - it's just fun to hear about other's plans!

I am also very excited for Kara and Matt that they are having a healthy baby boy! Especially that the penis really was there after a bad experience with an ex-doctor.

Tomorrow is the last work day of the week for us. It's nice to have a short work week and a long weekend. We are hoping to find something fun to do in Boston this weekend - any suggestions?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

21 weeks, 6 days

I was feeling guilty about the foods I was choosing to eat and how unhealthy they were, so I had purchased some organic snacks on Sunday. I ate an organic cereal bar, Annie's Mac and Cheese, two cheese sticks, potato cake and corn, and dried cranberries yesterday. Adin didn't move very much. Today I ate similarly while at work and Adin was fairly quiet. Then, on my way home from work I stopped and got a 4 piece chicken nugget and small fry from McDonald's (for a whopping $2.13!!) and ate that - and Adin danced like he was auditioning for So You Think You Can Dance! So maybe I really should give in to my cravings more because it makes my little man happy. At least that's what I'll tell myself as I demolish a bowl of Friendly's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream (and refuse to look at the nutrition facts).

And maybe I'll end my night with a handful of Sweet Potato and Beet chips that contain a full serving of vegetables in each ounce and pour myself a glass of V8's all about balance, right?

On a side note I had a moment of freaked out happiness at work today when I realized during a Kindergarten math lesson that in just over 4 months Jesse and I will have another person to take care of for at least the next 18 years if not the rest of our And for the record - the math lesson was on graphing so what prompted my thought pattern I do not know.

Monday, November 7, 2011

21 weeks, 5 days

So a coworker approached me in the hall at the end of the day today and said "So, I'm not trying to be nosy, but are you pregnant?"...apparently today is the first time that she's been sure enough to approach me and ask. Meanwhile, I think me belly looks smaller today than it did Saturday. I had a good poop yesterday so it made room for other things to settle back in!

We had a busy weekend this weekend, and I had a mini emotional breakdown to prove it!

Friday we cleaned our house top to bottom. Correction - Friday we cleaned up all the dog fur! Jesse and I always say that if it wasn't for Jake we wouldn't have to clean as much or as often! Then Saturday we got up, showered, packed, and headed down to drop Jake off at Eric and Laura's for an overnight and then made our way to New Jersey. Honestly, I think we took the worst way possible to get there. Maybe not the worst, but definitely not the best...needless to say, 5 hours later we were there!

We checked out a street fair that was dedicated to a river that had flooded some local towns during Irene. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have given the river a fair...but that's just me. We walked up, we walked down. Jesse and I each got an Oriental Steak Tip kebab which I lovingly referred to as a meat stick the rest of the day (if you knew Jesse's roommate Brando you would understand why I lowered myself to a teenager type of humor). We watched some firefighters test each other to see who could climb the highest up the ladder and came to the conclusion that if we are ever on the 4th floor during a fire we might as well get our affairs in order!

That night we got to see Ben and Jen's new place (Jen let me borrow some maternity tops) and then headed to a "club" called Banana's for a comedy show. It was awesome and surprisingly with our group of people we were deemed "the good ones" at the show for being so "well behaved" - not something I would have normally entitled us, but I'll take it. I felt like the party pooper for not being up to going out after the show ended - and I definitely appreciated my husband for standing up for me and immediately saying no on my behalf. It ended up working out because Christine and I went to bed shortly after arriving back at the condo.

The next morning we had a wonderful breakfast cooked by Christine and Brandon and then headed out for another five hour car ride. We took a risk and went 95 north for the whole trip...and didn't hit a bit of traffic going over the George Washington Bridge :) There was a marathon so I was hoping everyone would be settled around the city and we wouldn't get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. We picked up the pup at Eric and Laura's and then arrived home where I promptly devoured a good amount of cape cod chips and dip. I felt pretty disgusting afterwards - thus when I went grocery shopping before the Pats game I decided to purchase some healthy and organic snacks.

When I got home from shopping I got attacked by the freezer door while I was putting things away. I punched it back and screamed at it and then began to cry. It was at that point that I realized how tired I was. I really cannot handle doing ANYTHING on the weekend that doesn't involve sitting somewhere where I can readily fall asleep and not feel like I'm being rude.

How were your weekends?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

21 weeks, 1 day

I wasn't going to post today - but since Kate has no power and this provides her some enjoyment then I will sit my bum on the couch and type. Promising something amusing, however, is another story...

Today was Thursday, and honestly Thursday for me is only enjoyable because it is immediately followed by Friday which is the end of the work week! It is also immediately after Wednesday, which is the most common day to commit suicide - a lovely fact that I happen to know that I share as often as possible. Whenever talking about work stuff I always mention it.

For instance - today I was talking with Anna and for some reason we were talking about Secret Santa...oh! I told her if I got her name this year I would buy her and Arc notebook from staples. She said she'd fold the corner of her name in the hat so I'd know which one to pull. Haha! Then she mentioned doing little gifts every year and we both agreed that was too much. However, a small gift once a week is doable. First I suggested Friday - but then realized we are doing Coffee Haven Friday - so that wouldn't given time to sneak in an item and hide it where our person would find it. So then I threw out Wednesday and again shared my unnecessary fact that it's the most common day to commit suicide.

Good story, huh?

I attempted to get dressed this morning, but quickly realized I didn't have the items in my maternity wardrobe to pull off the look I wanted. And I'll go ahead and admit the look that I wanted to sport today was inspired by an outfit that a Kindergartener work yesterday. Yep, a 5 year old. I need more plain long sleeve shirts, which is comical because I had two picked out when Kara and I went shopping and I talked myself out of getting both. All in the name of being frugal!

My final story for the day is to brag about the amount of dinner I put down my gullet. I ate about 8 1/2" of a 12" sub (I measured it) and a bag of salt and vinegar chips (I didn't really measure it, that was a lie). I am feeling incredible full and content. Now I just need to lay myself down on the couch and get ready to sleep! I did not sleep well last night between Jake and his largeness and my pulled neck/back muscle. I could move in my sleep without waking up in pain, and turning over to try to give one side of my body a rest was a painful chore! I ended up booting Jake from the bed and yelling at him in an attempt to sleep somewhat comfortably. To top if off, I work one the of stick on heat pads today and was asked all day "What happened?!"...but it feels better now. Not all better, but better.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hello Shelf! (aka 21 weeks)

I officially caught myself standing with my hands resting on the top of my belly - it has officially become my shelf! And I'm not gonna lie - I liked it!

We finally decided to be adequate puppy parents and get our dog some flea and tick treatments and heart was our 2 year anniversary of owning Jake! And we haven't gotten him any of these items since his first vet's been a while. Oops!
Doesn't he look impressed? 

Jesse and I were also being playful this evening and I definitely pulled a muscle in my neck. Guess I won't be looking side to side for a few hours or a few days! I might pick up one of those 8 hour heat packs that stick to your skin to put on tomorrow morning to loosen things up. Those basically look like I have a giant pad taped to my body and rarely last 8 hours, but at least it's something! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

20 weeks, 6 days

At work today I came across a mini catalogue that had the word Heifer on the front. Clearly, I was intrigued because to me heifer is a funny word! I showed it to a coworker, Lynda, expecting her to giggle like I was...however she had seen this catalogue before! As I flipped through it she told me what she had purchased out of it. If you click on this link to Heifer International you will see what was not a laughing matter. In fact, when I tried to tell Jesse about this semi-funny story he had also heard of Heifer before and thus did not think my immaturity was funny.

I'm also going to start looking for my new festive background for my blog. Maybe something with turkeys...

On my way home we stopped at McDonald's and got my Nugget Mighty Kids Meal. I encountered one of my least favorite interactions where the drive thru person tells me that a drink is part of the meal yet charges me separately for it. My cousin Tyler had some great suggestions for how to get around that and get the nuggets, little bit of fries, and apple slices (for less money!). I have saved all of the toys from my kids meals and none of my students seem to be that interested so I can go without the toy! Of course now my husband is on his own for dinner tonight as I eat my 4th snack size Kit Kat.

I am watching Once Upon a Time...not super impressed nor am I that in to it. It's much too scattered and far fetched for my liking. I'm on the 2nd episode (which is on On-Demand), so I'll probably give it one more and see if a character grows on me. I really liked watching New Girl on On-Demand, but they only put the first few episodes on there and I'm too lazy/forgetful to DVR it.

I'm hoping to do some work from home - however the farthest I've gotten is to take out my work binder and put it on the couch next to me. Oh, and look at it a few times as I pause in my blog-musings.

Countdown to Thanksgiving: 23 days :)