Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday July 30th

Saturday Jesse, Adin, and I went to the Patriots training camp in Foxboro. It's nice that it's so close that we can do that a few times each summer. First of all, it was PACKED. Second of all, it was HOT. Third of all, I didn't see a whole lot cause Nugget was awake and active...and drank almost 2 ounces EXTRA to make up for what he was sweating out maybe. He also was in his jogger stroller for the first time which was fun to drive and fun to have him in.

Afterwards we stopped at Target. I ran in to get the items on our list while Jesse stayed in the car with Adin since he was sleeping nicely. As I went down the baby aisle to pick up wipes (Target brand to save some dollars are just as good as the name brand, at least for Adin's bum!) I see a young gal with a printed registry clearly trying to figure out what she should buy. For some reason I thought it would be appropriate to give my two cents. So I thought maybe it would be fun to put together a post of good baby shower gift items!

I also picked up a few food items for Adin - banana, sweet potato, green beans, and apples. He LOVES his apples and soon we will introduce the green beans.

It is amazingly easy and fun to make his I have to check in with his daycare lady soon to see what her policy is on homemade food and figure out how to get it there without it leaking, etc.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Road trip!

Adin and I decided it was time for a change of scenery. So, on Wednesday, after his early afternoon bottle, we got in the car and set off! We drove through a pretty nasty thunderstorm in Connecticut, stopped at a Dunkin Donuts to drink a few ounces and spit up on mommys skirt, then got back in the car.

We met up with Rachel for a bit. It was her first time meeting the nugget. Then we drove to Kara's work for a quick bite to eat and a pumping session. I, of course, forgot the Vera Bradley lunch bag with his ready to go bottles and his homemade baby food at home. So I had to pump so he could eat.

Then we finished the trip to Kara's house. The boys got to play with each other. Kara and I got some mommy/friend time, and it was a nice break in routine. I was able to purée some apple for the boys, and was there when Bryce had his first taste of the yummy fruit :)

My favorite part was watching our "home movies" from college and the shenanigans that ensued. I apologized to Matt for how horribly we treated him back then. Clearly it worked out for him :)

The drive home on Friday was filled with unnecessary Connecticut traffic and took at least an hour longer than it should have.

July 23

Today is jake's birthday! He is 3 years old. He celebrated by sporting his party collar all day long, receiving numerous treats without earning them, getting a new flavor of food, and a special Natural Balance roll. He also had some good couch time with me!

Adin is getting on a good solid schedule. He is often insisting on a bottle out of habit rather than necessity. For instance, yesterday he chowed down 5 ounces, ate some solids, then less than an hour later it was 2:30 and thus time to eat again! Then he napped. Today he decided to nap for less time than normal but snuck a cat nap in during the early evening.